Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life ? Death


What is life all about? What are you supposed to do in this life? Do you have a purpose in life? These questions and more I have constantly asked myself on a day to day basis. These questions are very important in our lives. Do you ask yourself these questions? If not you need to start.

If you want a life full of purpose and power you need to ask meaningful questions in your life. These questions cannot be answered by anyone but yourself. No matter how much I know about life I cannot answer all the questions in your life. I can answer some but ultimately it is your sole responsibility to find the answers to your own questions.

If you have any questions ask them in the comment section I will gladly try to answer them as honestly as I can.

Before I end talking about life I want to say that life is about creating a new you. You don't need to go find yourself because you have already found yourself. What you really need to do is create yourself into an honorable and lovable person.

We cannot change our past but we can change our future.


Is death the end? Do we never live again?

I want you to know that death is not the end. It is merely a graduation. THERE IS LIFE BEYOND DEATH.
If there was no life after death than what would be the point in our lives now.

I have had an experience awhile back. My great-grandmother was living with us. She was 100 years old. One day she was not doing so well. She had a seizure and we had to carry her back to bed. There in that little room I saw her spirit leave her body. She died right before my eyes. I could not believe it.

What happened afterward is that I felt a strong assurance that she was still alive and that this life wasn't the end.

If you have had someone close to you die, you must know that they live on. That they are still there and do exist somewhere in our lives. 


Red and Blue


This week have talked a lot about colors and how we want to show our true colors. Today I want to talk about two colors specifically, red and blue.

The first color is blue. Have you ever had blue days? Have you ever felt down and sad? All of us have our blue days. We always have opportunities in our lives to be sad and a downer.

Life is sad and depressing. In our lives we need to know how to combat the blues of our life. How do we do that? We do that by finding things that make us happy and do them constantly in our lives. We need to constantly fight the urge to give up and let our emotions get the best of us.

We are inevitable to have blue days. I guarantee that you will have sad and depressing days. When that day shall come you need to be ready to combat the blues in your life.


The second color is red. Have you ever felt angry or felt red? Everyone will have those days when their vision of life will be clouded by red.

Just like the blue you need to prepare yourself for the time when you feel red. Find things that can help you blow off steam effectively and appropriately. A few good examples is exercise, read, take a drive, or take a hike. Do what is best for you.

I have talked about two colors, both of these colors are not good to be in. You need to find a place where you aren't blue or red. Control your colors.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Faith in Ourselves

Recently I have been thinking a lot about religious type of things. I hope you don't mind if I share some of my thoughts.

Faith is believing in something that you cannot see but you know it is there. Faith is knowing that you will succeed in life. Faith is believing in a higher being. Faith is believing others will succeed in life also. Faith can be religious but it can also be used in our everyday life.

Faith in a God is very important in our lives. I know this to be one of the greatest powers in life. The next power that is also great in our lives is faith in ourselves.

Image result for Belief in yourself quotes

Believing in yourself, or having faith in yourself, helps you overcome life difficulties and failures in life. Our life is not measured by the failures we have in life, but by the times we pick up ourselves and move on.

Building on the Bricks of our Ancestors

This past weekend I went to Salt Lake City and saw many things our ancestors experienced. I also became associated with some of the things that they did in the pioneer days to dance and celebrate with others.

Image result for pioneer dancing

Then I realized that what we have today came because of our ancestors. Our lives our built upon what they had created. The bricks they had laid for our time has been built upon by our parents then we have built upon what our parents built.

Image result for salt lake city

Because of our ancestors we have been able to live in a time where technology is rampant. We live in a place of ease and enjoyment. We enjoy a lot of things because of our ancestors.

To end I would like to share a well known quote by Isaac Newton, " IF I HAVE SEEN FURTHER, IT IS BY STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hard Times Now, Hard Times Later

Life is hard. Life is not easy. Let me say that again, LIFE IS HARD! What ever you are going through is for you personally. You are meant to go through your own life experiences because you need to learn from them. If I was going through your trials and you went through mine you wouldn't learn as much.

Your trials were hand picked for you. They are meant to be hard for you. To others it may seem easy but for you they are hard. They were picked for you so you could learn from them. As you go through your hard times ask yourself, "What am I supposed to learn from what I am going through right now?"

I promise you as you do you will find things that come out of your trials. I have learned many things from the things I go through.


Before I end this post I would like to give you a suggestion to help you through hard times. This theory has been tested by many people. This is the theory.

Find something you enjoy or you are good at and use that to relieve your stress, sadness, or pain. It has worked with me and I know it will work with you.

Valentine Love

Love is an interesting topic or philosophy of our world. Most people cannot explain what love is. I definitely CANNOT. I will not attempt to try but I will share with you quotes that I think may help you in the right direction.

Love Quotes - Just Short of Crazy

Love is a thing that is never ending and will not end even if it hurts us. Love is a feeling that we need as humans. It is the one thing that keeps us humans interacting and caring about others. We want to love and to be loved.

Love is mixed up with pain but love is not what brings pain. Rejection, loneliness, and pain bring us what we don't like. Do not blame love when you break up with someone because it wasn't love that made all that pain. It was fear nothing more, nothing less.

love quote love quote love quote love quote love quote love quote love ...

Love here on earth is the closest thing we can get to seeing what heaven is like. Love is putting others first before your own wants or needs. Love is heaven like because it brings joy and lasting happiness in life.

Love Quotes: The good things in life are better with you #Hallmark # ...

We want to be with someone. It is a need everyone has and needs to satisfy. We would rather be with someone than be alone. We are better when we are around other people. We become better people when we are around people we truly love.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I want to encourage you guys to ask questions if you would like. I will answer them the best I can.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

You Are Beautiful

The world is bearing down upon us. It is telling us, especially girls, that if you aren't sexy you are worthless. The norm is if you don't look attractive you are worthless.

        Image result for celebrities without makeup before and after ariana grande

Our world is pestered with people who believe that there worth is determined by their beauty and will drop everything to become hot.

The ones who don't have the looks at times are sad and hide what is inside. They hide because they feel that they won't be accepted because they aren't popular or hot.

Let me shed some light on this topic.

First and foremost I will say,

Image result for personal beauty quotes
No one is ugly. Everyone has aspects that are attractive and amazing.

As I walk down the halls of Lone Peak I can find a beautiful trait, aspect, or characteristic that attracts my eye.

Do not hide your personal beauty. Find how you are beautiful and cultivate that trait. When that is done radiate our light or beauty without hinderment.

Look at yourself in the mirror,
for you are truly major,
not someone minor.

Shine and radiate,
until you are bey,
because you are beautiful.

The Deep

People are deep and more complex than what you see.

You can only know how deep someone is by getting to know them.

Many people, even me, judge people at first glance. WHAT THE CRAP. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KNOW SOMEONE BY LOOKING AT THEM?


We cannot expect to know someone by how they look.

What we need to do is become acquainted with people. Then we can see who they are truly.

People are deep,
not shallow like at first sight.
They are someone,
not a nobody.
Don't shrug,
because they could be famous someday.